Blurry Header Photo

Brand & Website
Sounds Good


Visual Identity

Web Design

Art Direction

Sounds Good Presents is an impact-based event management company working with high-profile politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seeking to bring social change through music and events. We worked with SGP to deliver a brand mark and system that exemplified their personal mix of serious political acumen with the energy and cool of the music industry.

SGP Website



SGP already had a laundry list of impressive clients when they incorporated, in both the music industry and the modern political left. We helped develop their look based on this firm foundation.

SGP Logo examples
SGP Home page illustration
Swatch for a white color called "Snowflake"Swatch for a red color called "Cherry"Swatch for a Dark Blue color called "Ink"Swatch for a cold black color called "Slate"


Photo Styling

Since SGP knew they would need to expand quickly into new domains, we developed a flexible photo styling for them that interacted well with the type and hand-drawn elements, and they could apply with minimal intervention from a designer.

A gif of some example layouts for a potential SGP deck


Web Design

SIT developed SGP's web presence, including illustrations, photo styling, and applying the brand system we'd built together.

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Would you like to know more? Please feel free to reach out to hear how Stay In Touch Studio can help develop your brand aesthetically, or for any other design needs you might have.
